Kedrion’s commitment to Social Responsibility extends to all the communities we work with, from the sites of our operations to the global environment, from the community of donors to the community of people who use our products.
Whether through support for projects at the local level or substantial international product donations or through collaboration with educational and advocacy organizations, we strive to raise awareness and improve diagnosis, treatment and access worldwide.
Institutions and Patient Associations supported/Purpose of donation/Financial Value of donation
WFH (World Federation of Hemophilia)
2023 – Annual Corporate Partner Program
€ 40.000,00
Support for annual training/information activities conducted by the Centre’s clinicians
Thrombosis and Hemorrhagic Diseases of Humanitas to its clinicians and patients/caregivers
€ 5.000,00
Fondazione luigi villa
Grant intended for the project on the risk assessment for haemophilic patients of developing cardiovascular complications
€ 20.000,00
Sei – Sport Experience Ideas Asd
Grant to be used to continue the “Centro Coni” project
€ 3.000,00
A.R.C.E. Odv Associazione Regionale Campana dell’Emofilia
Grant to support the assistance activity to hemophilic patients in Campania
€ 3.000,00
Ail Asti-Alessandria
Grant to support the care activities for hematological patients and to promote and support scientific research for the treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma
€ 2.000,00
Associazione Angeli Guerrieri Della Terra Dei Fuochi
Home nursing support for pediatric patients at the Pausillipon Hospital in Naples
€ 5.000,00
L’officina dell’Amore A.P.S
Provision to support the expenses of home nursing activities for pediatric patients
€ 2.000,00
Donation to AVIS Nazionale association to contribute to a program for the creation of a new 2023 communication campaign aimed at young adults through numerous events, both institutional such as conventions, conferences and training courses and informal such as demonstrations, etc…
€ 28.000,00
Donation to AVIS Nazionale association to be used in the last part of 2023 for projects focused on raising awareness and engagement, particularly the new generations
€ 5.000,00
Donation to the Missionary Student Training Support project, demonstrating Kedrion’s support for the Association
€ 5.000,00
AIP Onlus
Grant to support patients with primary immunodeficiency; to institutional activities, the promotion of research, the protection of rights and the support of patients affected by these pathologies and their families aimed at providing information on primary immunodeficiencies
€ 4.000,00
Federazione delle Associazioni Emofilici (FedEmo) Onlus
Donation to support institutional activities for the year 2023:
– communication activities with national and regional institutions representing and protecting the Italian patient community affected by MEC (Congenital Hemorrhagic Diseases);
– coordination and maintenance of the national network of territorial patient associations;
– production of informative and educational material on the pathology;
– organization of association meetings of an information-sharing nature, both in person and remotely;
– registration and role of representation in international (WFH, EHC) and national (AICE, Uniamo) bodies and organizations;
– management and implementation of the FedEmo website ( for the 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2023 period, including editorial activity
€ 15.000,00
UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare
Donation to support the institutional activity of the UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare association for the year 2023
€ 5.000,00
Medical University of Warsaw (WUM)
Donation to support the following activity: Registry of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Neuropathy Patients in Poland (Zloty 57,000.00)
€ 13.237,20