"Promoting local educational projects that aim to provide effective answers to the needs of the pharmaceutical industry is a priority, which is why we feel so strongly about it. Right from the start, we both supported the development of PharmaMark and contributed to its growth, because this Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Marketing – run by the University of Florence at its PIN site in Prato – trains the future management of the pharmaceutical industry, the third largest national hub (the second taking Life Sciences into account) of which is in Tuscany”.
These were the words of Ferdinando Borgese, Regional Commercial Director for Asia, Middle East & Africa at Kedrion Biopharma, at the closing event of the second edition of PharmaMark Master's degree held on Friday 14 June at the Regione Toscana Council headquarters in Florence. The value of the initiative becomes evident when data from the past two editions is examined: 35 students enrolled, 49 lecturers (from the academic world, pharmaceutical companies and institutions) and 13 companies offering training internships.
Students’ projects presentations took place alongside speeches by the three companies – Kedrion, Molteni and the OIC Group – supporting the Master's program, while Marco Stella, Vice President of the Regional Council, used his opening address to congratulate organizers and restate the Regione Toscana’s support for a third edition of the course.