Growth of the Kedrion Group: expansion of the Hungarian plant starting now. A new Plasmaphereris centre settled in Budapest

Kedrion Group’s growth strategy is progressing in two directions: one is the vertical integration of its operations, the other is the expansion of its production capacity aimed at consolidating its international market share, especially in Europe.

The start of the upgrading and expansion of the Gödöllo plant, commissioned to the Engineering Company Foster Wheeler Italiana S.r.l., marks the beginning of the industrial development of the Hungarian site which will increase its fractionation capacity to 550,000 litres of plasma from the current 200,000 litres per year.

The project will involve the installation of a new production line and department upgrading to meet Kedrion Group’s highest quality standards, both technologically and in terms of its infrastructure.

Today, the Gödöllo plant employs approximately 140 people, is one of Kedrion Group’s three production sites and can carry on the entire production cycle for the main plasma-derived products.

Upgrading and expansion of the plant, which will be carry out according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), will not require production of the current line to be interrupted and should be completed by the first quarter of 2011.
In the meantime, as part of its foreign market share consolidation strategy, Kedrion Group has also extended its network of plasma collection centres in Hungary through the settlement of a new plasmapheresis centre in Budapest in addition to the other centre in the Hungarian capital and the one in Debrecen. The new center has been officially inaugurated on the last 6th of November.

For more information please contact: [email protected]
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