Kedrion Biopharma is amongst the founding members of Siena’s new ITS “Vita”

Life sciences, which count amongst the Region’s most strategic businesses, have seen the birth – in Tuscany – of the Istituto Tecnico Superiore (ITS) “Nuove Tecnologie per la Vita”. Formally set up as a Fondazione di partecipazione, “Vita” will train advanced chemical-pharmaceutical technicians through undergraduate two-year courses tailored to the industry’s needs and requirements.

Companies will play a key role in outlining technical course contents and professional specifications: the aim is to respond effectively to the supply and demand for new, and advanced, technical and technological skills, in an industry that – in terms of number of companies, human resources and turnover – ranks Tuscany as one of Italy’s top three Regions.

The Fondazione ITS "Nuove tecnologie per la Vita" is headed by Siena’s ITIS “Sarrocchi”, and its 21 founding partners include Toscana Life Sciences (as the coordinator), the Universities of Siena, Pisa and Florence, as well as the Provinces of Siena and Pisa. “Having TLS as the coordinator, and given the interest already shown by local companies, leads me to believe  – states ITIS Sarrocchi’s Maurizio Serafin  – that we have got off to a good start. It is now crucial that we develop promotional activities and advisory services so that teaching may start in October”.

Amongst those directly involved, and that will play a strategic role in the success of the School’s training schemes, are some of Tuscany’s leading chemical-pharmaceutical and biomedical companies: “Kedrion is one of these, and it is perfectly aware of the importance of training, both internal and external to the Company – comments Danilo Medica, Italy Country Manager. “By becoming a founding partner of ITS ‘Vita’, Kedrion has – once again – shown how committed it is to the welfare of the local communities in which it operates”.

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