Kedrion supports the World Haemophilia Day

Kedrion confirms its commitment to improving access to treatment and protecting the therapeutic standards of people suffering from haemophilia and other haemorrhagic conditions.

The company is actually one of the supporters of the initiatives implemented in Rome by FedEmo (Federation of haemophilic patients’ associations) and in Milan by Fondazione Paracelso to celebrate the eighth World Haemophilia Day on April 17th. The Day is celebrated in 113 countries across the world by the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) which, under the claim “Close the Gap”, stresses and gives pride of place to the goal of making drugs available to those patients who still have no access to them all over the world.

The topic will be addressed in Rome at a workshop organised by FedEmo “Close the Gap – Garantire pari opportunità di accesso ai trattamenti” (“Close the Gap – Ensuring equal opportunities in access to treatment”) due to take place at the “Giovanni Spadolini” Senate Library. In Milan instead Fondazione Paracelso will organise a symposium named “Poveri di mezzi, ricchi di risorse. Il terzo settore nella sanità” (“Poor of means, rich in resources. The service sector in health care”) at Milan’s Università Statale.

For several years, Kedrion has been supporting FedEmo and Fondazione Paracelso in the conduction of institutional activities as well as in the development of specific projects. For instance since 2010 Kedrion has been a partner to FedEmo in the DNA – Di Nuovo Assieme project for the education and information of families with haemophiliac children and teenagers.

Within the Group, Kedrion US subsidiary supports the World Haemophilia Day with a donation to the National Haemophilia Foundation and by taking part in its main initiatives.

Kedrion’s support to the DNA – Di Nuovo Assieme project

DNA – Di Nuovo Assieme is a project developed by FedEmo with Kedrion’s unconditional support for the promotion and protection of the psycho-physical wellbeing of families with haemophiliac children and teenagers through the joint, specific assistance of professionals and cross-disciplinary workteams. DNA aims at creating a community feeling as well as providing immediate responses to the practical problems of such condition, with a view to the global treatment of patients.

Two of DNA initiatives have already been carried out with Kedrion’s support. The first one, in 2010, was the organisation of a programmatic meeting with 20 families with haemophiliac children and a group of teenagers from all over Italy and as many professionals, including teachers, facilitators, doctors and FedEmo delegates.

The second one, in 2011, was the organisation of a Day of activities during the three-year AICE-FedEmo meeting in Florence for improving communication and the sharing of information between the families and the young patients. These initiatives were then documented in a book that contains the young patients’ work and experience, while a video shows the special requirements and problems associated with such condition.

Also as part of the DNA project, in 2012 Kedrion confirmed its will to support the participation of 11 Italian patients plus 1 tutor in the World Haemophilia Congress organised by the World Federation of Haemophilia, due to take place in Paris from 8th to 12th July, and to promote the sharing of experiences with other patients’ associations. On the occasion, the young patients will have the opportunity to take contacts and exchange information with patients from other countries and above all they will be able to compare the challenges they and their families are called to face every day.

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