The biotech project named “INFOREC” – that aims to develop new therapeutic options for the treatment of Hemophilia A – is the winner of the Proof-of-Concept (PoC) award launched by the Università di Pisa in partnership with Kedrion Biopharma. The grant was awarded on Friday, July 26, in a ceremony held in the Sala dei Cherubini in the Chancellor’s offices. The ceremony was attended by Professor Claudia Martini, Vice-Chancellor for National Research, representatives of Kedrion Biopharma’s Research and Innovation Department and the researchers who developed the projects shortlisted for the award.
“University research is essential to Italy’s development”, stated Professor Claudia Martini, adding that “initiatives such as the one promoted by Kedrion with the PoC call for proposals are to be commended, as they offer our researchers the opportunity to develop increasingly applicative uses for their research”.
The Proof-of-Concept (PoC) grant was established with the objective of funding the development of cutting-edge technologies, from innovative ideas to working prototypes suitable for transfer to the industry or the market. INFOREC (Engineering and producing extended half-life and increased coagulation activity recombinant FVIII) fits this paradigm perfectly: its Principal Investigator is Mauro Pistello, Full Professor at the Department of Translational Research on New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, and the project aims to generate extended half-life and increased coagulation activity Factor VIII mutations (mFVIII) that could be used in the treatment of Hemophilia A.
“So many of the projects were scientifically sound, and all were very interesting, which bears witness to the excellent levels and the liveliness of the research carried out by the Università di Pisa – commented Prof. Alessandro Gringeri, Chief Medical and R&D Officer of Kedrion Biopharma, after the announcement – but the winning project has the potential to pave the way for important developments both in replacement and gene therapies for patients affected by Hemophilia A, as well as improving their treatment significantly”.
Kedrion’s support – which will fund the project, lasting a maximum of one year, with an initial investment of 15 thousand Euros – is fully in line with the Company’s strategic commitment to “open innovation”, focused on seizing the opportunities that working with the academic and scientific communities, the world of patients and the industry offers.