Proper use of plasma in critical bleedings

With its unconditional contribution, Kedrion is supporting a course on Proper use of plasma in critical bleedings: use it less, use it better, which is hosted by Niguarda Hospital in Milan, in the afternoon of 6th November, to coincide with the unveiling of the new Milano Nord Processing and Validation Centre.

The aim of the initiative is to gain a better understanding of critical bleedings so to ease the processing, updating and implementation of shared protocols for a proper management of hemorrhagic emergencies. As well as providing the requisite basic expertise in the physiopathology of critical bleedings, the course will focus on how to properly use plasma, first and foremost Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) and pharmaceutical-grade plasma, which, boosted by recent product developments, exceeds some of the limits of standard FFP, thus improving its safety and effectiveness.

Marco Marietta (A.O.U. Modena), who is in charge of the day’s training, and some local clinicians will speak about plasma and its proper use. The event is chaired by Davide Rossi (AREU Lombardia).

For Kedrion, supporting such day means pursuing its mission, working side by side with clinicians and specialist centers to provide patients with the right blood components, at the right time, in the right amount.

For more information please contact: [email protected]
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