“Uniting the world to protect mothers and children.” For several years, Kedrion Biopharma has been active in this field, alongside academics, healthcare professionals, and commercial partners, with the aim of improving knowledge, and raising awareness, regarding Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN). It is a commitment that the company also pursued during the pandemic, by supporting various medical and scientific activities supported remotely by WIRhE (the Worldwide Initiative for Rh disease Eradication). WIRhE is geared towards extending Anti-D Immunoglobulin prophylaxis to millions of women around the world who are currently without access to the treatment or unaware of its availability.
Kedrion is so proud to have supported the BIRTH 2022 Congress – Clinical Challenges in Labor and Delivery, held in Milan, Italy on December 7-10, within which WIRhE organized a symposium entitled “Advances and challenges in preventing alloimmunization in pregnancy and labor.”
One of the most memorable moments of the symposium was the fifth John Gorman Lectureship on December 7, given by the American physician-scientist Kenneth J. Moise Jr., Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin, and Director of the Center for Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Medicine at Dell Children’s Hospital.
Named after one of the pioneers in the development of Anti-D Immunoglobulin prophylaxis in 1968 at Columbia University, these Conferences in Transfusion Medicine are made possible through the ongoing unconditional support of the biopharmaceutical company Kedrion Biopharma. In 2018, the John Gorman Lectureship was held as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of this medical discovery, and the company offered its support to the Columbia University Medical Center for this event to occur in perpetuity.
Today, Kedrion renews and continues its commitment alongside WIRhE and its global objectives, with the aim of guaranteeing that as many women as possible worldwide have access to Anti-D prophylaxis.