Italian TV broadcasted report on CURhE, global initiative supported by Kedrion Biopharma

RAI 2, the National Italian television channel, broadcasted a report on CURhE* on May 17, during TG2 – Medicina 33.  Kedrion Biopharma continues to support, with great conviction, the Consortium, which aims at eradicating globally the Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and the Newborn, in collaboration with other industry and academic partners, including the prestigious Stanford University in California. Giuseppe Buonocore, Professor in Neonatology at Policlinico Le Scotte in Siena, who is among the founders of CURhE, has been interviewed during the TV program.

The introduction of prophylaxis with anti-D immunoglobulin, which took place in 1968 following the development of RhoGAM®, has greatly reduced infant mortality. Based on sound clinical studies and on cost-effectiveness evaluations that find it easy and economical, for 50 years prophylaxis has been recommended by numerous National and International guidelines. One or two injections in the last term of pregnancy of an Rh- expectant mother prevent and eradicate the disease.

Despite this, prophylactic treatment of Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn is properly implemented only in high-income countries (Europe, USA and Canada). In much of the world, particularly in emerging countries, it is not. Due to this easily preventable condition, every year 200,000 newborns die at birth or in utero, and another 50,000 report permanent brain damage.

The World Health Organization has classified Anti-D immunoglobulins as essential medicine but very few companies in the world today possess the know-how to produce them. Kedrion Biopharma is one of the few.

Kedrion distributes its two brands (IMMUNORHO and RhoGAM) in 45 countries and has access to 60% of the potential market, aiming to reach 80% over the next five years. Our vision of the maternal and child 's health  area is guided by our constant commitment that flows from the collection of hyperimmune plasma to supporting initiatives for the eradication of Hemolytic Disease. Among them, we have developed a strategy that aims to broaden access to the medicinal product, which in the next three years will be registered in 27 new countries, mainly in Africa and in the Euro-Asian area, and to promote knowledge on its proper use. An educational project in Russia will soon be launched and Kedrion Biopharma will develop the first global website on Rh disease prevention, targeted at mothers.

CURhE* is one of such initiatives. A global alliance of gynecologist-obstetricians and neonatologist experts on mother and child health that aims to change this situation. CURhE will promote a global awareness campaign through its website benefiting from a strategic partnership with the major scientific societies in this area . Moreover, the Consortium is already carrying out specific advocacy programs in the countries concerned, working with local authorities to raise awareness in mothers-to-be and healthcare providers and to promote the broadest  access to anti-D-immunoglobulins. To date, 15 countries from all continents have already signed up, including India, Russia, Nigeria and Egypt. Contacts with international NGOs and philanthropic organizations are ongoing to extend and strengthen this network.

The Eradication of Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and the Newborn is an ambitious and fair goal: Kedrion Biopharma is proud to be contributing to its achievement.

* Consortium for Universal Rh Disease Eradication

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