A donation of three million coagulation Factor VIII units, manufactured from plasma donated by Italian donors, was made official today in the course of a ceremony held at Belgrade’s Clinical Center and attended by the Serbian Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar. The donation is from the Regione Lombardia, whereas Kedrion Biopharma contributed by managing the logistics and customs, also covering transportation costs, in close collaboration with the bodies involved. Silvio Audisio, Commercial Director Europe, represented Kedrion Biopharma at the ceremony. “For Kedrion, collaborating with Serbia to help serve its patient communities is a great opportunity – stated Audisio – and today’s donation is an example of how best to support those most in need of care”.
This donation by the Regione Lombardia falls within the scope of the Accordo Stato Regioni of 7th February 2013, an agreement underwritten by the Italian State and its Regions to promote and implement the exportation for humanitarian purposes of plasma-derived products, with a view to ensuring the best ethical use for the therapies manufactured from national plasma that exceed national and regional needs. In the last years, over 10 million units of factors have been donated to countries including Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia and India.
“We are proud to have worked alongside the Centro Nazionale Sangue (Italian National Blood Center), the Regione Lombardia and its Regional Blood Center” – Danilo Medica, Kedrion Biopharma Italy Country Manager, has stated – “because this donation increases the availability, in Serbia, of a life-saving therapy that will allow a larger number of hemophilia patients access to treatment.” “This project, in addition to its important ethical value, is also perfectly in keeping with Kedrion’s mission to support the Italian Blood System in ensuring that the fullest use is made of the therapies manufactured from Italian donors’ plasma” – concludes Medica.