Guelfo Marcucci awards assigned to two young scientists

The history of Kedrion reflects the company’s steadfast and enduring commitment to supporting initiatives and projects geared towards advancing scientific research and improving education for the medical community, starting with the younger generation.

On the occasion of the Carlo Erba Foundation of Milan research awards, Kedrion Biopharma once again has set up two scholarships in memory of Guelfo Marcucci, founder of the company, to be awarded to young graduates under 35 for their original research in the field of non-oncological hematology. 

The two research awards, worth 10,000 euros each, were awarded to Sara Arcudi of the University of Milan and Gaia Spadarella of the University Federico II of Naples.

Paolo Marcucci, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kedrion, presented a plaque to the two winners at the award ceremony held on Thursday, October 20, at the Foundation of the National Institute of Molecular Genetics – INGM, which is located inside the IRCCS Foundation Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan.

It gives me great pleasure to be here today and to bestow this award, to which we hold dear, to two bright young researchers. These awards are intended to support both Italian biomedical research and offer Kedrion a privileged window on the most innovative trends in the field of medical-biological studies,” said Paolo Marcucci.

The month of November will also see the presentation of the Fabrizio Fabbrizzi Research Award . Conceived by Kedrion together with the Carlo Erba Foundation in collaboration with the Lucca Campus Foundation, this initiative now in its second edition awards two scholarships to young graduates who have stood out for their research in the field of plasma and plasma-derived drugs.

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