Kedrion is officially a member of Programma Affilia, designed by Consorzio Italbiotec, which aims to create ever more fruitful partnerships between the world of academic research and promising Italian biotech companies.
Consorzio Italbiotec is a not-for-profit organisation specialising in the promotion of biotechnology, which counts amongst its associates the University of Bologna, CNR and Milan’s Bicocca University. Kedrion joined the programme to contribute its extensive expertise in terms of high industrial standards, and continuous product and process improvement.
Kedrion’s collaboration with Italbiotec is part of the broader “Biotech in Rete” project, which involves another 20 companies, and works to foster initiatives that support corporate research, education and development, create a platform from which to share and process information to develop the industry, bring different skills and facilities together to increase competitiveness at a European level, build sustainable networking, and to give prominence to Italian talents